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Firefighting Systems AQUAPRESS "F"


DP Pumps manufactures COMPACT Firefighting Systems covering wide range of applications such as residences, hotels, hospitals, Industries etc. All Firesystems complying to European regulations. DP PUMPS fire systems are skid mounted fire sets, pre-wired and tested at our testing facilities ready for operation.


DP PUMPS firesystems following a strictly quality control process , manufactured according to the European regulations ready to work to in dangerous situations, conditions.

DP PUMPS enginnering department provides all the necessary technical information in order the systems to be always ready for operation providing the full maintenance guides.

Pumps used for fire fighting systems are totally DP PUMPS manufactured with material of constructions according to the application ( Cast iron parts for standard or Bronze parts for special construction and stainless stell in case of sea water supply).


  • One Electric driven main pump
  • Stand - by electric driven pump with the same hydraulic data as main
  • One jockey pump (jokey) covering small consumption of fire-fighting main without stariting main pump.
  • Suction - Discharge collectors with diamamter according to he desired capacity incudin all the necessary hydraulic equipment (Valves, manifolds, check valves,e.t.c.)
  • Control panel for operation automatic - mannual.
  • Pressure Vessel depending application.
  • Steel fabrcated common base with all equipment ( except pressure vessel ) already assembied and electrical connected ready for installation and operation.
  • F312 system operation can be mannual " F312M" or automatic "F312A".

F 312 systems are used when an electric generator with the correct kVA for staring the electric motors of the system is available to start pumps when there is an absence of main grid voltage sypply.


  • One Electric driven main pump
  • Stand - by diesel engine driven pump ( in case of voltage supply absence ) with the same hydraulic data as main
  • One jockey pump (jokey) covering small consumption of fire-fighting main without stariting main pump.
  • Suction - Discharge collectors with diamamter according to he desired capacity incudin all the necessary hydraulic equipment (Valves, manifolds, check valves,e.t.c.)
  • Control panel for operation automatic - mannual for the electric as well diesel driven pump.
  • Battery for the diesel engine start as wel las battey auto - charger
  • Pressure Vessel depending application.
  • Steel fabrcated common base with all equipment ( except pressure vessel ) already assembied and electrical connected ready for installation and operation.
  • F330 system operation can be mannual " F330M" or automatic "F330A".
  • Mannual operation of F330M : Systems starts aytomatically when pressure of the fire fighting water main supply drops and stops mannualy with stop button from the user.
  • Automatic operation of F330A : Systems starts and stops automatically when pressure of the fire fighting water main supply drops.

For F330 an electric generator is not necessary due to the presence fo diesel engine driven pump.
